So, I have been thinking about this all morning. So, as to finally get it out of my head, I will simply pose it as a public question. As an artist and especially as a Gallery member, I am under pressure to constantly create. If I am not churning out art work, then I am not fullfilling my obligations. This is alot of pressure. At work, I am completely consumed by the tasks of the day. Recently, I have been asked to create a twitter account for the office. This promted me to create one for myself as well. (Mostly because I am not sure how to attract followers and this was my attempt at having at least one follower for the office.) Now, I have a myspace, a blog and now a twitter account. The only account that I have not created a personalized progfile appearance for is the twitter account. It is time consuming and chosen images can say something about a person without words. So I am extremely choosy when it comes to profile layout and appearance. But why pressure myself to crank out artwork when I am already creating public art in the way of profiles? (By the way....who are all these people that have the time to kepp up with 10 different profiles on 10 different networking sites? OMG! I haven't even logged in to Myspace in a week!) In the end, I need a break. My profiles are to be my artwork this week. I will fine tune the appearance and paint myself as a renessaince woman. I can do anything I profile says so!