Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What does your art say to you?

I hear all the time that people should purchase art that speaks to them. I wonder what my pieces say to peeple. Does it evan say something that would translate into words? Hopefully not a single word response such as "juvenile." But an image / item can speak to someone on a level of pure emoption indescribable with mere words. I aspire to create like that!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just another day

I don't think anyone knows this page is even here, and yet it makes me feel a bit better when I put my endless ramblings out into the world. Why is that? And how many bloggers have had this question? I imagine I have no original ideas anymore. Everything that I imagine has already been patented, said, discredited or pictorialized. Is it even possible with 4 billion people in the world with thoughts racing around the clock, that originalality even exists anymore? Or even better, are we somehow linked to someone we have never met but share the exact same thought process? Wow, I had a strange dream last night. And this is the result. I am running late as usual and kicking myself for not washing any laundry last night and putting myself wsy behind today and in clothes that I hate. I need a vacation, but for now it's just another day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Life as Art

Without so much as putting a brush, pen, pastel or anything else to paper or canvas, I feel more like an artist lately than ever before. It has been at least a week since I was creative in any way other than writing/blogging and yet I feel like a master of my own domain. I am directing traffic throughout the day, remembering the smallest of tasks, completing projects with kuddos and beating all of Luigi's foes in the evening with the help of my two little gamers. I have even managed in all of this to keep hubby happy. The biggest masterpiece I have is myself. If I am broken or malfunctioning everything else is meaningless. I have to keep going because no one is going to do anything for me. Now, this may all sound very conceeded. But I have spent so much time absolutely kicking myself for the smallest bit of forgetfulness and the tiniest of errors, that it's days like today when everything is going well and I have pre-determined any obstacles and headed them off at the pass that I feel truly as if I am the artist of my own destiny. We shall see.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Executive Framed

My world is a collage of the ecclectic, mundane, wonderous, streneous, insane, amusement and glee. I feel a need to translate my "Seinfeld Moments" into images and my "{Blonde Moments" into topics of conversation which might just make them Seinfeld moments by admitting the utter braindead qualities that I occasionaly posses. I barely have the time to shower or play a round of Super Mario with my boys. Although, I would much rather play video games with my boys than shower daily. I guess my prioroities may be a bit askew when it comes to my boys. A routine! What a wonderful concept! Yeah Right. Not for me. Routines make me feel trapped. The same thing over and over again make me want to scream. This week I conducted a meeting, last week I researched retirement on the web until 2 am. Next week I wirk on a state grant. Today I am blogging because I deceided to paint the kitchen floor with the left-over catering that I was trying to get into the refrigerator. So, after cleaning about 10 pounds of baked beans off my shirt, pants, shoes and cell phone, I am now back at the office wondering how in the world I am going to get everything done that I need to do. And I have made a decision! I'm not doing any of it. I am going to go home and paint a pretty picture. It will be the most awesome thing i have ever created. I know this because in the past, when I am at my most stressed and feel this pressure in my chest because I have not created in a while. This burst of energy comes out of me. I am not afraid to paint badly, and I am not afraid of wasting a canvas. I just flow and feel and close out everything around me. No kids, no boss, no mayor, no DA, no meetings or caterers and no hubby! Just me and my brush. The canvas and the media. And then I make beauty. I end up with something that I didn't even know was inside of me. And then I can work. Then I can focus on tomorrow. Maybe I won't sleep a wink tonight. But it will sooooooooooooo be worth it!