Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stormy Day

So it's raining again. As you can tell from my last post, it's been raining on us here for several days. But I like it. I missed my call as a storm chaser. I also as it seems have missed my calling as something other than an office worker. But I digress. I would like to write some additional shtuff. I think someone may be reading it... :)

In the aridness of desert winds lives a creature seldom noticed and never heard. He lives his life with purpose. He never questions why he wakes each day for the soul purpose of completing the very same task that he did just yesterday. At the end of the day when his toiling his done, he is content to have accomplished as much as he could and happy to drift to sleep quickly as he is tired from a long days tasks. Procurement, companionship and security are never promised. The only constant is the drive to yet again complete his duties. But somehow, everything falls into place because nature cradles him. All that he requires to sustain life is provided by the miracle of the empty dunes. Procreation is instinctual and happens with ease. When the time comes to lie his tired weight into his nest for the final time, he has no regrets. There is no fear and no one to mourn his loss. You see no one ever told him that he needs those things. There has never been any of his kind to travel or question or need. There is only the desert and his duty. And that is a life we should all seek. Content, honest, tireless and simple. Thanks for reading.

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