Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turkey Day Road Trippin'

So a year has passed.....
Likely none of my readers know the significance of this day....
And sharing the reality of some things is not my strongest trait....
I am alive...
I am strong....
I am overcoming....
I am worthwhile....
I AM!!

Because I AM I want to live...
So, I packed my troopers in the car and away we went.  A tank of gas, a map and book full of feel good music CD's.  My boys and I hit the open search of...the road. And we had an amazing adventure this turket day.

I am Thankful for strength, love, freedom, and open road.  I am Thankful for clarity on days like this.  Please enjoy the photos of our little day adventure.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

24 hours of Vine charcoal

My hands are black, my cheeks are smudged. It's not much to show for all my toilings, but it's the process I find most calming today. I haven't been terribly productive with regard to artworks lately. No, actually, of late, I seem to be under the illusion that I can write. If ever I wrote what was really on my mind.... my world would stop in it's tracks. SECRETS SUCK!!

My secrets burden my mind, hinder my sleep, and alter my ego. But I'll not take this there.

I've always considered digital alterations/digital creations less than traditional mediums of art. I actually call it cheating. However, after not being happy with my vine charcoal, I imported images of my hot mess into photoshop. Now, this is where my minds eye met the real world. I've attached my meager renderings for the day. My anatomy drawings, facial features..etc. They are freehand with no photo reference, which is how I prefer to work. But sometimes, I just want to create on my own, without visual aid. And here that is.

I think a live nude drawing session might be in my future if I can locate one. Sounds......Fun :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Midnight Confessions

For reasons that escape my understanding, I am once again compelled to return to this idea. It's a simple idea. I am different. It's a cliche thing to say. Probobable the worst of all cliche's. And yet it's true. When in a crowd, I feel as if I'm the only one who doesn't belong. However, when I relax and trust my instincts within that same crowd, I find that most of it's occupants are warm and most are not malicious. When in small numbers of say one or two companions, aquaintences...etc, I am at ease and converse fluently without much effort. And yet I still have within my mind the idea that my own words will haunt me. After all, knowledge is power. And even the seemingly kind od of spirit will turn that information into a dagger at the precise moment it may benefit them in some way.

I am different in other ways as well. When I stand in the sun, I notice most the shadows that it creates. The subtle tones and hues, warms and colds of it. I see the contrast and the irony that lies in it's wake. It makes the air smell differentlty than that of the moonlit air. And it reminds me that I there will always be a duty that needs tending. Moonlight by contrast, lends a sense of freedom to my spirit. The things that lie hidden by it's selective lightings put my anxieties, and my fears, and my sense of duty toi rest. It's an animal sensation. Almost like being young. When alone in the dark, outdoors in the quiet, secluded from the bustle of fellow man....I am most myself. I am most free, and most comfprtable.

These things cannot be normal. Is it for example, common that when peering into the eyes of another perswon, I feel them? I feel their mood, and I sense danger or shelter. My own instincts are overshadowed by the sensation of someone else's demeener. That's a story for another day. But, an extreme desire to please does make this one of my biggest challenges for which to contend.

I never, ever, ever want to stop learning. My mind is never at rest in this category. There are sleepless nights spent researching a new archealogical theory out of Egypt. Or playing with a new medium, up to my elbows in a muddy mess of clay, paint, or glitter trying to determine if I can make this thing my own. It'sd late for me now as I must rise early in the morning. An adventurous day for me. One which, in sadness, presents a rare opportunity that has escaped my grasp for near a decade. So goodnight for now. I will pot some inkings from one of my sketchbooks tomorrow, or maybe the next day. This is, after all, an art blog.

As for any kindred spirits who may find familiarity in these scrawlings....Please share. Maybe we are all islands unto ourselves. Then again, maybe I'm just nutty and need medication. Either way, I'll not turn away any donors of the chemical nature. Actually, maybe I would.

Sweet dreams! Tomorrow is a new day!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Having Read my Own Blog

Well, having sat and read my own blog, I realize a couple things.

1) I don't know what the hell I'm talking about half the time.
2) I have varying moments of slight genius and total idiocy.
3) I don't care anyway.

So here's another painting of the recent sort.

"Choices on the Day"
Oil on Canvas 16 X 20
$150 (Plus $20 S&H)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Great accomplishment

One of my favorite renderings to date.

Recent works

Returning to this madness

As the title says, I believe it time to return to this madness. I refer to this as such because, I write, and I type, and I bleed into this corner of cyberdom. I do all of these things, but it has holds no value, no pay-off. Or does it? For the first time ever, and simply due to utter boredom with the project that I have decided to undertake, I looked at my stats for this blog. I have had pageviews with audiences from around the globe. Is this due to a unique talent with regard to my artwork? Do I have a certain literary gift? Or is there a multitude of lonely, bored, "looking for something more" people in the world?

In any case, I think it's time to pick this up again. I have failed in so many aspects of life. I have made wrong turns and the u-turns, while illegal, are possible. Yet pride stops them from gaining occurance. I have begun a new journey it seems. This isn't something on which I decided. It's something I woke to find myself in the midst of. And although I do not know the outcome, I have resigned myself to exploring it completely. It will be littered with paintings, spattered with rantings, and engulfed in my own sense of self. In a nutshell.... I have no idea what it will turn into. But I'm on the path and I'll not hinder the forward motion.

I am entirely jaded with the world. It has burned me, left me in the cold and driven me to chemicals. I don't care. I'm stronger than any of it. And I alone will defeat it. Even if it means taking everything down with me.

As for my art, it will reflect my journey. This, after all, is inevitable. Even if I wanted to hide it, I couldn't. So join me in my newest quest. As for a fresh start, the following is an excerpt from the journals that now accompany my very transport. When poetry and words flood my mind, I write them down... and here is one now.

"In the absense of reason lies truth. And in the absence of truth lies man."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
