As the title says, I believe it time to return to this madness. I refer to this as such because, I write, and I type, and I bleed into this corner of cyberdom. I do all of these things, but it has holds no value, no pay-off. Or does it? For the first time ever, and simply due to utter boredom with the project that I have decided to undertake, I looked at my stats for this blog. I have had pageviews with audiences from around the globe. Is this due to a unique talent with regard to my artwork? Do I have a certain literary gift? Or is there a multitude of lonely, bored, "looking for something more" people in the world?
In any case, I think it's time to pick this up again. I have failed in so many aspects of life. I have made wrong turns and the u-turns, while illegal, are possible. Yet pride stops them from gaining occurance. I have begun a new journey it seems. This isn't something on which I decided. It's something I woke to find myself in the midst of. And although I do not know the outcome, I have resigned myself to exploring it completely. It will be littered with paintings, spattered with rantings, and engulfed in my own sense of self. In a nutshell.... I have no idea what it will turn into. But I'm on the path and I'll not hinder the forward motion.
I am entirely jaded with the world. It has burned me, left me in the cold and driven me to chemicals. I don't care. I'm stronger than any of it. And I alone will defeat it. Even if it means taking everything down with me.
As for my art, it will reflect my journey. This, after all, is inevitable. Even if I wanted to hide it, I couldn't. So join me in my newest quest. As for a fresh start, the following is an excerpt from the journals that now accompany my very transport. When poetry and words flood my mind, I write them down... and here is one now.
"In the absense of reason lies truth. And in the absence of truth lies man."
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