Monday, April 13, 2009

My long weekend of Creativity

I came back and finished the day on Thursday so that I could get as much as possible done and relax on my long weekend. I guess I knew there was no other option for me. I am obsessive about getting things done ASAP rather than let them fester. So on Friday, I rested, didn;t do anything! That was non-productive, but nice. Saturday I cleaned the house and began to hunt small momentos while cleaning. Things that could be re-purposed, re-used, born again with a new focus. I may or may not have mentioned before that I have a show coming in June where the focus is recycled art. I have had a huge ancient copy macjine collecting dust on my front porch for nearly a year now. It's too heavy to move and I can't seem to make it function anymore. So now it is in a stage of de-construction. I found mirrors, wheels, magnigying glasses, springs, elecrtical nodes and much much more. I see a face with a looking glass eye. Wires protruding sending signals to the vital finctioning arteries and a digital display read-out where a mouth should be. As programmed as we are these days to compute and speak with programmed precision, it makes perfect sense to me. Then again, it may not to someone else. Sunday I celebrated Easter with my beautiful boys. We played video games the rest of the day until about 5-ish. Then it wasw back out to continue deconstruction. I have a plan now that involves chicken wire, plaster of paris, nodes, wires and if my experiment works, my piece of art may even be battery powered. I can feel the creative energy puling through me like a million cups of coffee. I think there mustbe someone else out there who obsesses over things the way that I do. And maybe not. But it was a great weekend and I am my way to another great piece of art, all my own.

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